[Lululemon Annapolis]
New party om bag in dottie dash with a cute jeweled magenta strap. This is like the festival bag only…not as attractive? [Lululemon Chestnut Hill]
The party om bag comes in solid black too. Also, yes: pigment wave high times are in US stores today! [Lululemon Mall in Columbia]
New crosscourt petal print on a free to be bra. [Lululemon Fashion Place]
Better pic of the crosscourt petal print from a lovely commenter! That’s clarity yellow you’re seeing in the print.
New inspire crops in dottie dash fatigue green. Fatigue and this print seems like a weird combo to me. [Lululemon Fashion Place]
Ace spot jeweled magenta is landing in the US! This print is growing on me even since this morning. Also, inspire crops in another new print: diamond palm. [Lululemon Fashion Place]
Diamond palm inspire crops with jeweled magenta long sleeve swiftly and clear mint run all day backpack. [Lululemon Trolley Square]
All you need duffel in another color, shown with the heathered jeweled magenta define jacket. [Lululemon Chestnut Hill]
The poseidon/gold and jeweled magenta/gold what the sport singlets are both in US stores. Also, not only are the pigment wave high times in stores today, but the star crushed tech mesh high times are too! [Lululemon Fashion Place]
Silver spoon wee are from space dancing warrior tank. [Lululemon Chestnut Hill]
Jeweled magenta dancing warrior tank. [Lululemon Annapolis]
Free to be wild bras in dottie dash and heathered jeweled magenta. [Lululemon Fashion Place]
Clear mint run all day backpack with electric coral what the sport singlet and pigment wave speed tights. [Lululemon Fashion Place]
Clear mint straight up bra and iridescent speed shorts. [Lululemon Fashion Place]
I know there is a huge patterned leggings trend right now, but I would love solid colored inspire crops in some of these new colors, like regal plum (run for days crop not cutting it), jeweled magenta, poseidon, etc. Solids will stand the trend-test-of-time better than prints, and are just more versatile IMO.
I thought of you this morning when I saw the new dashing purple inspires! I agree, solids are much more timeless. I only occasionally will venture into printed bottoms territory (aside from shorts, that is).
Oooooh mummy pants, resistance is futile, u will be mine~
Haha, just beware of kiddos with bleach! ;)
Oh my home has been purged of chemicals!!! 90% for my little curious dude’s safety, 10% for the safety of my lulu, ha!
the black version of the party om bag looks like it’s material that will collect lint! not the smoother material like the black festival bag. nuts
You might be right. That would drive me crazy!
Loving the Party Om bag. Love my black festival bag. Might have to get the dottie dash or chevron print one.
It seems that no matter how it’s styled, who is wearing it that What The Sport singlet that appears to be replacing the 105F Singlet just never looks cute or sits right. It’s very “meh” and just really blah looking. It actually doesn’t look like much. It looks like just another awful tank designed by Nike (no offense to Nike Lol!). I tried it on again thinking that it couldn’t be THAT bad and maybe I was making it worse in my mind than what it really is. Nope. It’s horrible. That was definitely a mistake. I wish I knew who made these decisions and what the designers are thinking because there have been an awful lot of “misses” these days with stuff.
Funny hearing how many people are digging the party om bag. I seem to be the only one who thinks it’s uglier than the festival bag. To each her own, of course. :)
I agree overall about the what the sport. A lot of the new core items, if you will, are kind of wonky. You’d think they would test them for a couple months and see how they sell, *then* make the call on whether to go all-out. They seem to be throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks without much proof of concept.
As for the party om bag, I’m curious if the zip-flap opening section extends all the way down the back of the bag rather than just on the flap. Does that make sense? I’m likely to try to put stuff in the zippered flap and then forget to zip it closed all the way and have my stuff fall out…
Yes I know what you’re trying to say! :) Based on some pics I saw this morning, the flap zip extends all the way to the bottom of the bag.
Aha, here’s another pic! https://www.facebook.com/lululemonWayne/photos/pcb.822170144496811/822169821163510/?type=1&theater
Super helpful pic. Thanks! The bag vaguely looks like a cross between the festival bag and the free to be hip bag…