Hey friends. You might’ve been wondering where this week’s upload post is. Well, time for a little blog update: there isn’t going to be one. As of this week, I have decided to scrap lululemon-specific news from my content, including upload posts, international upload sneak peeks, store posts, etc. To be clear, lulu won’t completely disappea
Of course, I realize I can’t very well just stop doing this (especially so suddenly) without SOME sort of acknowledgment/explanation. There are two major reasons for this switch.
For one, these types of posts have been plagued by various kinds of negativity and challenges since pretty much the beginning. These issues have largely gone down behind the scenes, so if you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s on purpose. This blog isn’t supposed to be the place where I air out dirty laundry. What I’m trying to say here, though, is that I need to draw the line. I’ve simply reached my limit; I no longer see it as worthwhile for me to invest so much of my time, effort, and blog space toward this type of content.
As for the other reason, this shift is in many ways the natural next step for Agent Athletica. When I started this blog, I never intended it to be about only lulu forever. Many of you have seen the writing on the wall, both in the activewear market at large as well as in the context of this blog. Lulu just doesn’t run the show anymore. As such, they no longer seem worthy of their special status on this blog from that perspective, either.
Basically, the evolution of AA has gone down roughly like this:
Chapter 1, April 2014-May 2015: Lululemon news blog + a little bit of other brands
Chapter 2, May 2015-December 2015: Activewear blog with a bias toward lululemon + some posts on related topics
Chapter 3, December 2015-whenever: Brand-inclusive activewear blog + relevant active lifestyle/shopping tips and commentary
Of course, when one door closes, another opens. I’m excited to go into the new year with a fresh content strategy. Lately, I’ve found myself with more ideas than time to write them. Backing off on lulu news frees up several precious hours per week of writing time for me. As a sneak peek, in January I’m planning a detailed series designed to walk you through the often overwhelming process of cleaning out your closet, plus tutorials to help first-time sellers get unwanted goods out the door. I’m pretty excited to share it, since a good closet cleanup is one of my favorite pastimes. ;)
Anyway, to all you who come here for lululemon: I realize this may be very disappointing for you to here, so I’m sorry! I wish that I could keep everyone happy. If some of you are no longer interested in hanging out here, that’s totally ok. I certainly understand. The nature of blogging is that sometimes you have to weigh the pros and cons and make a difficult choice, which is exactly what’s happened here. If you’re looking for a low-commitment way of keeping an eye on the blog, you can sign up for a feed service like Bloglovin’ (the one I personally use) and follow AA there, since it can be easier to sift through content that way instead of checking the site itself.
As usual, thank you for being here!! I hope that I can continue to make this site a fun and informative resource for all of you.
Change is good! totally agree with you about about the evolving market of activewear! Its amazing and so many new brands are raising the bar one after the other! Looking forward to sharing your content with our customers!
Thanks so much for the support! :) Things are definitely evolving so fast in activewear, and not showing any signs of slowing down! Not that I’m one to complain about that. :)
AA is my go to blog for althetic wear / athleisure and periphery topics. Do what’s best for you! Definitely looking forward to the January cleaning out guides!
Thanks Samantha!! Looking forward to sharing it, I hope it doesn’t disappoint!
I look forward to the new content! I haven’t bought any lulu in the past 6 months, but plenty of vie activewear and alala :)
Thanks Linh! Happy to fan the flame of activewear fandom beyond lulu-land. ;)
That’s great news! Sorry that some negativity has partly fueled your decision, but totally happy that you’re expanding your scope. No one needs negativity in their lives – I’m assuming that you blog because you love it, and if you’re getting dragged down then it’s time to move on. I love your writing, your energy and your wit – and I’m excited to see what 2016 brings for you and the AA blog :) Happy new year!!
Yup, you nailed it. There’s no point in continuing to write about something that’s not a positive force, since the whole point of me making this site at all is to have fun! Thank you for your support. :)
I just hope you continue your Sunday “funnies” weather they are lulu specific problems or not. Hey make my Sunday night!
I was wondering if any one else was going to mention the funnies… I NEED THIS!!!! It has become my most favorite thing to look forward to on Mondays…I like the blog too!!! the lulu news is good, but like many others I have stopped buying it since the whole crazy price of the new feelings line came out… I haven’t even looked at the uploads.. The thing I really love about Suzanne’s blog are the adventures!!! I get to go to the Zion mountains… go shopping in Vegas for floral nikes… romp around the forrest… PLEASE keep the funnies!!! I don’t care if they are lulu related…
Yup, the funnies are staying! I’m also writing another adventure-y post for next week, too. :)
Yes. The funnies are awesome!
You got it!! :)
Good for you for making a choice that will make you happy and move your blog progressively forward, and bonus for us if we get interesting new types of articles every week instead of lulu news (which we can look up elsewhere – minus your witty commentary of course). Successful bloggers get to make choices like this, and you my dear, are now officially a success!
Aww thanks Carrie! :) So glad to have you around.
Aww I’m sad to see upload content go, but I’m excited for what you’ve got planned. I’m sure it’ll be amazing :)
Thanks for being so positive, Michelle. :) I hope it is indeed amazing!
You go girl! I’m staying ;)
I look at your blog BECAUSE you introduce new brands. And of course your excellent reviews, polished writing and good sense of humor.
Looking forward :)
I’m so glad to hear that, Sarah!! I hope you love what you see.
Yay for change! I follow enough Lulu focused blogs that I can get upload commentary elsewhere and I have to say that seeing pretty much the same content on multiple blogs is tiresome. Looking forward to more reviews and other new content!
Yes, there’s definitely redundancy, so plenty of ways for people to get their lulu fix. :) I hope you like what’s up my sleeve!
Sounds good to me! I look forward to the new content changes. Here’s to a fresh new chapter for AA!
Thank you, Jenn. :) I’m grateful for all your support along the way, both here and on your own blogging space!!
Aww, this makes me a little sad but excited for your new content. I’ll head on over to Lulu & the Box for lulu news but will still read your blog as always!
Yeah so will I, she always makes me laugh!!
Thank you for acknowledging a change! I hate it when bloggers completely change something in their blog and just never address it. So thank you for doing this :) To be honest, those were the only posts of yours that I skipped over, so I’m happy that you’ll be doing more of the content that I personally enjoy!
You’re welcome, Gretchen! I’m glad it’s no loss for you. :)
I’ve only been buying Lulu for a year and I’m already saturated; I can’t imagine years of just following one brand. I really like seeing different brands highlighted here; there are plenty of blogs that focus on just Lulu and it’s nice to read something different.
I for one look forward to a post on how to sell unwanted items. I probably have about 15 items I’d love to find a new home for. Most haven’t been worn more than a couple of times or are new WMTM that I couldn’t return.
I’m sorry to hear there’s been negativity behind the scenes. There’s no reason or need for that; the internet is a big place and there’s room for everyone.
This is your blog; write what you enjoy.
Yup, I think that saturation has been accelerated by this blog, too. For a while, I was spending HOURS a day on all lulu, all the time. Definitely lost some of its luster! Sure did help keep my spending in check, though, haha. Thank you for the positivity!! :)
Im very excited for your new ventures and cannot wait to get tips + advices from you on how to clean up my closet, sale more than half of my Lulus clothing and make some money that will be spend on more worthy athletic brands :-)
Awesome!! I hope it’s really helpful.
Yours is an understandable decision, and I’m actually not too surprised! My Lululemon loyalty and confidence in quality has considerably cooled. I quite frankly don’t find it to be as ‘cool’ as i once did, and I have been getting an odd sheepish feeling when someone asks me, ‘Is that Lulu?!’
There are quite a few brands that have been turning my head of late, and more often than not I’m pushing past the LL in my closet and grabbing items that I’m unlikely to see walking down the street with me (Coco Pique, I’m talking to you).
And as for the negativity, I think it is pretty simple: If you don’t like it — or what the brand is doing — don’t buy it. I think there’s a tone sometimes with LL fans, like we’re owed something. LL can charge and produce whatever it wants, and no one has to buy it. I think it’s going to be harder for them to win formerly loyal fans back than to create new ones, and I for one have wandering. And the competition for new fans is tougher now, so I’m guessing LL will be in trouble on that front too! The quality and (often superior) design are easy to find in other brands.
I still reach for my Lulu, but I don’t feel as good in it as I used to. I check Carbon 38 a lot, and Sweaty Betty, and I love Alala. Of course, AA reviews have been very helpful in steering my ship in this different direction, so I thank you! (My husband, however, does not…).
: )
I definitely know that sheepish feeling–I’ve been there a few times! I tend to agree that lulu may be in some trouble both with retaining fans as well as creating new ones. In some ways, the customer base is growing, but competition is so steep, that only time will tell if they can keep up. I’m glad I can help you out with other ideas on what to try instead. Apologies to your husband though. ;)
Wow, so sorry to hear there was anything negative behind the scenes. I have enjoyed all of your posts, from Lulu to hiking trips, so I’ll keep following your blog. I hope it’s all positive moving forward!
Thanks Natalie, I hope so too!! :)
change is good. :)
i read comments on various lululemon blogs, and im quite disenchanted with how some people act like it’s the end of the world because lulu hasnt put out stuff they were waiting for or stuff they want-right-now-or-else. it’s a sense of entitlement, to my mind, an expectation that lululemon, or any brand for that matter, will only put out stuff *they* want.
im an equal opportunity activewear buyer and wearer, so ill always welcome reviews about brands im curious about. the buck does not stop with lulu.
Yeah, I’ve definitely found myself frustrated with how up in arms fans can get over lulu stuff (though mostly elsewhere, not here as often). I like your term “equal opportunity activewear buyer”–that’s definitely how I feel!
Looking forward to the new blog format!! I’m sorry to hear about negativity behind the scenes, though. I always enjoy your lulu posts and you put a unique spin on everything, but I also really like your posts on other brands so this is going to be fantastic – keep up the great work!
Thanks Mel!! I hope it does end up being fantastic! :)
I am sad to see lulu go but please consider letting lulu problems segment stay. Looking foward to the purging post.
Yes, you’re not alone about lulu problems!! It might change a little bit (I haven’t decided just yet), but the basic idea will still be there. :)
Life is too short to waste energy on things that aren’t working for you.
Yup, you nailed it Sara. :)
I would like to share some of my used Lulu’s! I’m in dire need of help in that regard. Also I really like to expand my athletic apparel to other brands and will definitely continue to follow you?!
Thanks!!! :) I hope I can help you in both of those ways!
The past few months I’ve really lost my lulu desire as I think a lot of your followers have. I think the fact that you go out and try new athletic brands and comment on fabric/fit really helps your readers take the plunge (especially when you post sales haha) and realize all the amazing brands out there besides lulu! And once I’ve tried all these new brands, lulu doesn’t seem all that great anymore. Especially when the other brand’s pieces are more unique. I was in lulu the other day and an Ed was drooling over my blue life fit leggings! I find myself constantly checking C38, revolve, and bandier websites for new arrivals versus lulu. I really look forward to your blog posts! Keep up the great and unique content; your blog followers love you for it!
Yes, I agree it seems a lot of readers feel that way. I wonder whether it’s more to do with how lulu fans everywhere feel, or if it’s that my blog in particular somehow attracts a higher percentage of wandering lulu fans. I’ve been thinking I might try out an “upload” feature that highlights new arrivals at those sites you mentioned (and others). Like you, I often find myself checking them and digging for the new non-lulu things, so we might be onto something here. :)
Oh man, this makes me sad. I enjoyed your upload recaps the most out of all the ones out there. Please please keep doing the Sunday funnies, they’re too good to keep from us!
Aw I’m sorry Angie!! I’m glad you liked them while they lasted, anyway. :) I’m planning to keep the Sunday funnies in some form (still brainstorming around that), so I hope that still makes you happy. :)
Please keep posting about active wear, because I love your fit reviews and recommendations, they are excellent. I’m over new Lulu for the most part and find that many of my older pieces are gems, so hopefully you don’t purge too many of your older stuff bc the quality, function, and details still amaze me. I’m loving the new sites you have recommended and love the what’s new upload info on them, so hopefully you’ll keep giving us updates. I’m newly into Crossfit in addition to my running, so I also enjoy content related to that when you post it. For running- an old school “New England” based style track running brand you may want to try is Tracksmith, I like supporting small startups from the US trying to do something unique. It’s very non-lulu!! Keep your head up and good for you for switching gears if there’s been too much negativity with the Lululemon posts!! I look forward to keep following your blog!!
I would love to see a review on Tracksmith too!
Amanda- I have a lot of their items and have kept most everything I’ve bought (the women’s running tight is the only thing I was not impressed with). You should give them a try if you’re looking for running items that are not flashy, but designed for a runner.
Yeah, I can’t imagine getting rid of some of my older pieces!! :) Also, thanks for the suggestion on Tracksmith. I’ve checked them out a couple times, but have been hesitant since I’m really not a runner. As the weather warms up I may want to give their shorts a try though. :)
i think this is awesome news. i love lulu, but i love all activewear and own many other brands. i love learning about other brands.
Thanks Kate, so glad to hear it!! :)
I’m actually really glad you’re doing this. Personally I find you and runniningonlentils to be my favourite blogs simply because you talk about your lives, other brands, your athletic endeavors, and your adventures! If I wanted to just read in-depth lulu discussions, I’d go to LLA/LM. By the way you’ve totally turned me on to Werkshop, but I’ve decided to wait until their spring under the sea collection comes out because I’m 99% sure I’ll be totally gaga over one of those pieces!
And like everyone else, the only lulu post I really ever pay attention to are lulu problems :)
Thanks Sam!! I love Jenn’s blog, too. So glad I could help you find Werkshop, and don’t worry, I’ll still do the silly posts. :)
Disappointed to hear about the negativity, but I guess there will always be Debbie Downers in the world. I don’t understand why because your blog is great! I agree with the other reader- I only recently started buying Lulu but I’m already tired of them. While they may have a piece here or there that I want, I feel that most of their stuff is pretty dullsville. I love everything that C38 sells- just different brands in general. Your reviews are great, and I’ll still be a loyal reader! The best about Lulu to me is the physical store so I can try on things and return them easier than C38 or another brand. Besides that, the styles aren’t that unique anymore.
It’s your blog, your time, your energy- you do YOU!
Glad to hear it, Sue! I agree, it’s definitely nice that lulu is more accessible than other brands (and for me, I also like that the resale value is much higher since I’m constantly turning over my closet), but it’s been harder and harder for them to sell me on their new stuff. Anyway, thanks for your positivity. :)
I admit I am more than a little disappointed! I find some of the other Lululemon blogs have taken on a tone (whether it’s a bit condescending or entitled) that I didn’t relate to any more and found your blog to be the right mix of informational and fun! Even though, as others have said, the lulu “fever” has subsided somewhat, I find it a bit overwhelming to follow a zillion different brands (even if someone has sorted through the info and presented it in a clear, concise manner, as you do). All that being said, your other ideas certainly sound intriguing :) I’ll be sure to really check it out before I pass judgement – maybe the next rendition of AA is even better. Either way, great work so far and I wish you success in whatever form you envision! But please, I’m begging…Keep the funny gifs!!
So sorry to hear that, Meg! Btw, for the lulu fix, Lulu and the Box ( luluandthebox.com ) always makes me laugh. Not sure if you’ve checked her blog out yet, but I haven’t found her to be condescending/entitled, so maybe you’ll feel that way too. I hope you like what’s next, and I’m glad you’ll stick around to see. :)
Thanks for the suggestion – I’ll check that out, too :) Happy holidays!
Cannot wait for the cleaning out the closet special! I have lots of lulu that no longer fit because I lost a size, and would love some guidance on how to find them a new home :)
Yay! I hope it’s helpful for you. :)
I found your blog when I was doing research on Lulu products over a year ago, and was hooked. I didn’t have a clue what all the fuss on Lulu was about, and had always been a Zella (Nordstroms) fan. You helped me come up to speed pretty quickly and narrow my focus on the items that would sell-out the fastest. I will miss that aspect of your blog, but I’ve also branched into other brands and retailers because of your blog. I would not have known about Alala, Werkshop, Alo, Varley, or retailers like Bandier and C38 without you! You’re a leader in this niche, and I’ll follow you no matter what brand you write about. You’ve built a brand of trust and honesty from my perspective, and that’s uncommon. :)
Well said! I don’t bother with the other lulu bloggers anymore anyway.
That’s such a kind thing to say, thank you!! I’m glad I’ve been able to help you in more than one way, and I hope that continues to be the case, even without the lulu-centric aspect. :)
It’s all good with the direction you choose to take…I will say though as a Canadian, Lululemon is still the brand im most interested in because it’s most available to us. I’d love to branch out but just won’t risk the cost of shipping, taxes, etc. to try workout clothes. It sucks but lulu has us Canadians cornered a bit.
Yes, I totally get that! I definitely gotta give kudos to lulu for sticking to their guns and not jacking up the prices on you Canadians. From that perspective, lulu is like half the price of most other luxury brands!! D:
As others have already said, I’ll miss your witty and level-headed commentary on new lulu, but the decision makes sense for your blog. You’re awesome, and we’re following you wherever you go :)
Thanks so much. :) It’s great to have you around.
Please keep the Sunday Funnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That being said, I will REALLY miss the lulu content. It is BY FAR my favorite aspect of the blog.
Yes, the funnies are here to stay!! :) I’m sorry you’ll miss the rest, though. :(
Sad news for me. Unfortunately I will be unfollowing because of this but best of luck to you!
Sorry to hear that, Melanie, but like I said in the post, I totally get it!! I hope you can still get your lulu fix elsewhere. :)
I hear you about behind the scenes negativity! There’s lots of drama around lululemon and some people get butt hurt if they see an opinion they don’t like. I actually think that lulu likes it that way. That gives them more publicity/exposure. This company is kind of like Kardashians in that way, good press or bad press they will take it. As far as moving on with the content I’ll be still checking your blog! I like your sense of humor and witty comments! You have got a talent!! Best of luck!
Hahaha, the Kardashians analogy…that’s amazing. I definitely agree with you that for some reason lulu seems to be a drama magnet, both in terms of their company as well as the company surrounding it. I’m not sure why. Thank you for the kind words!! :)
I think it’s very commendable that you’re following your muse and writing about what interests you. It’s only natural that your writings would be a reflection of your current interest. I’d also like to take a second and complement you on your talents as a writer. Your posts are extremely well written and you should be proud of the product you have been showcasing. I especially enjoy reading your travel posts and details about your hiking trips. If this change will give you more time to devote to those, I’m all for it!
My main goal in posting this is that you understand how impressed I am with your writing and that I’m eagerly anticipating seeing where this takes you. However, I have just one parting cautionary word as someone who has been deeply involved in the blog sphere. Many blogs which are founded on a focused idea and shift start losing their identity. I used to be a devout reader of PaleOMG, loved it for the recipes and nutritional info. Then one day I realized I was reading a “post” about a non-toxic mattress that was such a blatant cut and paste from a press release I laughed out loud. Haven’t been back to her blog since.
Keep doing the great job you do, but please make sure it’s stays you!
Thank you SO much for the compliments, I’m really flattered. :)
I feel like I know what you mean about blogs losing their focus, and I appreciate you bringing it up. How blogs brand themselves and evolve is something I’m incredibly intrigued by, for obvious reasons. I could go on pretty much forever with my thoughts on that.
I totally remember that mattress post, though! I saw nearly identical posts on SO MANY blogs around the same time, which made it even worse. It seems that the shift you mentioned with bloggers losing their identity seems to happen around the time they’ve really “made it” and/or started blogging full-time. I don’t necessarily mean those top bloggers have “sold out” (though sometimes that might be true), but they get popular enough that they can basically write anything they want and a lot of people continue to come back. On the one hand, it’s totally the blogger’s prerogative to take their business in ANY way they wish. We don’t chastise people for having day jobs that aren’t true to who they are, and yet bloggers making work decisions that we don’t agree with seems to get us all fired up (myself included!). Not to mention, free product and lots of page views don’t put food on the table. But all that said, like you, I know how it makes me feel as a reader when bloggers go off message just because someone offered them what I assume must’ve been a crapload of money. As much as I like the idea of growth, it’s definitely a cautionary tale of what I DON’T want for my blog and those who read it. I’d like to think that exercising tremendous patience and being ruthlessly picky will pay off in the long run.
Sorry for the book chapter. :) Thanks again for chiming in!
great response Suzanne, i’m glad that this is your view on the whole blog thing! and i second El_federale’s comment above. i truly enjoy your writing style and your attention to detail. it is such an easy and clean read! i will also stick around, with or without as much lulu ;)
I am fine with this move. You have helped me branch out in my active wear and lounge wear and I have been happier for it. I have found some new things I love and have found some I don’t but in general my closet is much more diverse which I love. I was getting tired if lulu all the time and you helped me start exploring when the market exploded!
That being said I will miss one thing terrible if you stop… Lulu problems. Absolutely hilariously so true each and every one. I will be very sad if this disappears. I hope if you decide to revamp you can still post the funny, the whitty, and the voice of my inner thoughts and feeling coming to life! Haha! Please?
Don’t worry, I’ll still post the funnies!! Definitely hearing that loud and clear from the comments here. :) I’m glad I’ve been able to help you branch out, too!
I’ll admit – despite all my talk of feeling “blah” about lulu, and how often my eyes wander around, no other workout brand has managed to capture and hold my attention like Lululemon. So I’m a bit disappointed that you won’t be focusing on lulu news.
But that doesn’t mean I’ll no longer follow your blog! Your travel posts have inspired me, and your reviews of other brands have opened up my options. I love the blog’s level headed attitude (can’t say other lulu blogs have managed that!). All that to say I’m looking forward to the new Agent Athletica! Good luck!
I think part of what makes lulu exciting is just there’s SOOO much new stuff all the time. Even if you only like 5% of what they put out, that’s still something every couple of weeks. But even if you like 10% of another brand’s still, that may only be 1 or 2 items a season. So, not as exciting for sure.
Anyway, sorry you’ll miss the lulu stuff, but I’m glad your feelings are overall positive nonetheless. :)
Do what works for you! Trying to do something that doesn’t feel like the right fit for you isn’t going to result in your best effort anyway. :) I’m also relatively new to the Lulu front and only started buying Lulu in February, before that my athletic wardrobe was a mix of old tried and true Adidas soccer gear, Nike running gear and cheap but good Target athletic wear. My only request is that maybe you could include a semi-regular segment on great finds from non-luxury athletic brands as well and test out products with specific activities in mind – like reflective gear that really performs at night, gear with water sports in mind that actually stands up in the water, gear for cycling that you’ve tested out in a spin class, etc. I would personally LOVE that (because obviously your blog should be tailored to me ha!) as I really do use my athletic clothes for being active and having beautiful AND very functional clothes makes the activities more exciting for some reason.
You’re totally right that forcing writing about something that I don’t want to do anymore is just going to result in crappy posts. No one wins, there! Anyway, thank you so much for the feedback. I would definitely like to cover a wider variety of brands both in terms of price and function. I keep telling myself that I will but I could definitely make a more purposeful effort there. :)
I am a fan regardless of lulu content, although I love their stuff. Love your reviews and honesty with your workouts, opinions and ideas. I will definitely hang around!
Thank you Maya!!! :)
This is something you do in your free time for fun and personal enjoyment and if writing about all the lulu is no longer enjoyable or something you want to be spending your free time on, you definitely shouldn’t do it. So good for you; life really is too short to have a hobby become a job you have to slog through. And while I love coming to your blog for the lulu stuff (that is actually how I stumbled upon it in the first place), I got totally addicted to everything else you blog about too. Your writing style and humor really pulled me in and I absolutely love all of the reviews and comments on the non-lulu (my once all-lulu workout closet now has some other goodies mixed in), your hiking trip reports, personal improvement, packing tips, etc… There are plenty of places to get all lulu all the time. Your blog has always been unique in my opinion in how much other content was mixed in, so I am definitely looking forward to the new direction the blog takes with a non-lulu focus. Congrats and happy holidays :)
Yes, I totally agree with you. I started writing this blog when my life was kind of crappy; it was a way to escape from my problems. Although most of those problems are better now, I still *really* value this space as a way for me to focus on the fun, delightful things in my life, so I really want to guard that aspect. I’m glad you can appreciate that, you’ve always been a great reader/commenter around here! :)
I love it. Honestly, the Lulu scene is growing increasingly stale – lackluster merchandise, almost everything winding up in WMTM, poorly timed releases, and questionable corporate practices. I’m looking for fresh perspectives, gear that will hold up across workouts but that is also made with sustainable practices and legitimate integrity, and something that not every single person in line at suburban Starbucks is wearing. As with you, I’m not in full-on breakup mode, buuuuut…let’s see other people, Lulu. Good for you. I’m looking forward to what’s next for AA!!
Yeah, I can’t say I disagree with you there! There’s definitely been a lot of change, and it’s made the lulu world a lot less exciting than it once was. Plus, it gets even more stale when you have to write about it all the time! :P Thanks for chiming in, and for your support. :)
This is disappointing because I’ve followed your blog for a long time and have always enjoyed your Lulu posts, especially your try on posts. However, good for you for pursuing the content that you want to include and cutting out whatever negativity has been going on. I enjoy your blog and will continue to follow. Best of luck! :)
Thanks so much! I still plan on doing try-on posts here and there, btw. :)
Hi! First of all, Merry Christmas! Second, I’m so supportive of your move. You’re passionate about so many things and not just LLM, so your blog should definitely reflect that. Authenticity would see you through. Sorry to hear about backstage drama.
My LLM journey is almost coming to an end too. But I say this, with an additional 20-odd pair of speeds in my closet. Flash Jacquard is amongst them now. Thanks for the recommendation. They are something special!
Merry (late) Christmas to you, too, and a happy new Year! :)
Speed shorts are one thing that I’ve yet to find any non-lulu replacement for. But, lulu isn’t really delivering there either, since the fit isn’t what it used to be either. Sigh. Hoping some brand will make that happen soon.
Thank you for all your support and kind words–it’s great to have you around!! :)