I feel like I just wrote about the start of the February spending freeze challenge, and here we are already most of the way through it!
Here’s a quick update on how it’s going for me.
Spending freeze gray area
As I wrote in my original post, my intent with this ban was to spend absolutely no money that I didn’t have to spend. The primary purpose is to abstain from shopping, but I extend that to other discretionary spending, too. That said, there were a couple gray areas where I arguably didn’t need to spend, but I did. Here’s why.
Earlier this month, I spent some money to rent a bike in Sedona. Although this wasn’t strictly a necessity, I’ve always considered fitness-related expenditures as exempt because of their contribution to my wellbeing. Just like I’m not going to skip PT this month to save money, I considered the rental fee for the bike as a worthy cause, particularly given that I can’t run at the moment. It was a gorgeous day and I had an awesome time out on the trail.
That said, in the interest of full disclosure, I did change the rules on myself a little bit. Because there are a lot of things going on in my “real” life right now, I decided to allow myself some small indiscretions in the going-out-to-eat category for the sake of preserving and promoting my social connections. I weighed the negatives of breaking my ban and ultimately decided it was worth it overall. That said, I’m still trying to avoid it (or suggest alternatives) and keep the spend to a minimum, which means this has only happened once so far.
On the positive side, there have been multiple times this month where I struggled to scrape together breakfast or lunch on workdays. Although I was tempted to pick up something from the snack kiosk at the office and call it “necessary”, I doubled down and managed to feed myself with $0 spent.
Also, somehow I’ve managed to get this far without buying any Girl Scout Cookies. Why do I keep doing spending freezes during samoa and thin mints season?? Ahhh, the struggle.
What’s on my list
Besides the above grey areas, I haven’t shopped at all this month, which was my #1 priority with the ban. That said, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been tempted! This is what I haven’t bought, but really wish I could!
Athleta stripe contender tights. I tried these on in store and fell in love. The fit, feel, and pockets make these awesome running tights, and the stripes are so flattering. Having something new to run in once my knee injury resolves makes buying these an even more exciting prospect.
Yumi Kim dress. I’ve been pining after her dresses for a long time, and I might finally give one a try. I have a wedding in September, but I’m already thinking ahead! I’ve narrowed it down to the woodstock maxi, swept away maxi, or tie me over shift.
Lululemon braided energy bra. I like the energy bra style already, but the braided straps look sturdier and more supportive than the regular kind, which is quite appealing. I’m in need of a sports bra refresh, so I’ve got my eye on this one as a good candidate. I’d also like to try the sweat times bra.
Poshmark finds. Two past-season lululemon items that I’ve been hunting for showed up on Poshmark this month at relatively good prices. It’s taken a ton of willpower not to pull the trigger. Since they’ve been so hard to find, I’m afraid someone else will get to them first. I’m crossing my fingers they last til the 1st!
New Nike gloves. I absolutely love these gloves, but sadly, I tore the palm of my pair when I was out biking. Better to tear the glove than my hand, but now I need to replace them! I’ll be getting a couple new pairs when March rolls around. Note to self: if I’m gonna keep going out and falling on things, cycling gloves might be in order too.
Bonus challenge update: 28 things in 28 days
As I mentioned in my original challenge post, I’m doing more than just avoiding shopping. I also have a goal to let go of 28 things from my house over the course of the month. So far, I’ve tracked down 10 items for the sell/donate pile, all of which are clothing from my closet so far. I’m a little behind on this one. I’m making myself find 28 real things, not just meaningless clutter like old socks, reusable bags, or empty shoe boxes (even though I’ve also gotten rid of quite a few of those!). Setting the bar higher is making that number a challenge to reach, but I still think I can get there.
I wish I could say I was successful, but I failed. Often I justify spending on clothes because I don’t eat out much, or go on vacations, or go to the movie theatre etc.. so clothes is all I really spend on. That being said I had high hopes of not spending in February. I ended up buying 4 Lululemon items off eBay and a vest for spring AND since I bought a pair of snow shoes for my hubby’s birthday I bought a pair for myself as well. I’m pretty disappointed in myself but I do plan to pick myself up and try again in March. I quit smoking in the past and know it’s a matter of “if at first you don’t succeed try and try again.” Wish me luck in March! Do you have any tips for being successful? Like maybe not scouting eBay or my regular fashion blogger pages? I would have caved and bought those Poshmark items if I had been you because of the time pressure and possibility of them being snatched up by someone else. P.S. what past season items were they? (Just curious)
I think of things like this much like trying to do a yoga pose or trying to work up to a certain squat weight: you have to build up the “muscles” for it through a lot of practice! I do find it helpful to practice an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality sometimes, like not checking lululemon’s “what’s new” section. I also find it helpful to write down what I’m thinking of buying. It helps me feel like I’ve gotten it out of my system since that way it can live somewhere other than my brain.
Also, the past season items I found were a flurry fighter pullover and a black grape race your pace 1/2 zip, and they’re all mine now!! It was fate. :)
Great tips, thank-you. I made it three weeks on my second try. I could have gone longer if it wasn’t for a pair of runners on sale. I will keep building that muscle and hope to make a full month. I already feel less inclined to shop then before. Thx again for this post, I bet a lot of people would benefit from a spend freeze.
Other than some money spent on an outing for my boyfriend’s 40th birthday, which I had already told myself I’d allow for, I’ve done awesome and am really proud of myself! There have been a few things that have been super tempting that I’ve even gone so far as to put in my cart, but always remind myself I don’t need it and I’m doing this challenge!
Thanks so much for hosting it!
Hooray!! I’m glad you had a strong start, and I hope you managed to stay on track to the end. :)
Goodness, I never realized just how often I buy little things. I like the spending freeze not so much for the strict definition of it, but to make me more mindful of how often I purchase things as a hit of dopamine, like a rat with a cocaine button.
I’ve managed NOT to buy things. I’ve eaten out for lunch as needed, but I haven’t bought a single thing that wasn’t food related. My barre studio ordered K Deers for the first time on Feb 2nd and I about cried. But I didn’t buy the leggings. A stunning pair of Coach boots were on sale for a price that *didn’t* make me cry, but I didn’t go there either.
I think the real take away for me is to be a lot more judicious about what and how often I buy things, and scale down the number of purchases overall. I might try to do spending freezes a few times a year, like fasting, to remind myself that I don’t need nearly as much stuff as I tend to buy.
YESSSS to your first paragraph, I couldn’t have said it better myself. That’s why I ended up making a couple of exceptions to spend time with friends, because my goal was to be mindful more than being strict for the sake of being strict. I hope it continued to go well for you through the end of the month! :)
i only started my freeze last feb 14, for lent. so far, im doing ok. i def have stuff listed that i intend to buy when lent is over.
Ahh yes, doing this for lent is a good idea! I hope it’s still going well for you. :)
I’ve definitely cheated. I made a wish list like you and figured I can wait till March on a yellow 108 hat, a Sympatico skirt, and an architectural book. But I was on vacation and did order a pair of Cloud Aline booties that are so cute. It’s good to put things on hold really. I have slimmed down my closet, and will get rid of more by the end of the month. Thanks for the challenge and everyone’s feed back!
Yes, making a wish list always helps me! It’s always good to have a little extra time to think and make sure I *really* want whatever I’m about to buy. I hope the rest of the month went well for you. :)
I was doing so well until today! Those President’s Day sales got to me. A sweater I’ve been eyeing at Loft went on sale for 60% off. I didn’t know if it would still be there (especially at that discount!) on March 1, so I went for it…and a few other items. Oops!
At the beginning of 2018, I decided to try to be more mindful of what and how much I buy, and it’s been very interesting so far. I didn’t think I could stick to just buying a few items a month but I’m pleased with how I’ve done (breaking the freeze and all) to this point.
Yeah, I totally get worrying about things disappearing from sales like that. It’s definitely a hazard! Thankfully I didn’t get wind of many sales through the course of the month, so that helped! I hope you’ve been happy with how things have gone since. :)
I’m supposed to be on a “low buy” rather than no-buy bc i did mine in January. Any January purchases were made with a gift card so i haven’t bought anything out of pocket since December 30! I caved and bought a pair of dance studio pants 50% off so i can quit wearing the same leggings to school every single day. Gift card purchases might break some people’s rules but my overall goal is to not buy so much beyond my month and so far I’m inproving.