When you introduce a friend to lulu
When the guilt of a $500 order hits you
When an ultra-rare item goes up for sale
When lots of cute stuff is coming out but you’re trying to stick to your budget
Light-colored pants that end up being sheer
Finding a good deal on ebay
Very enthusiastic educators trying to make suggestions when you already know everything backwards and forwards
OMG, I think we’ve all had that last one, “Yes I do know that a CRB is low in support, thank you for trying to help me but you’re really not!”
As for number 2 all you need to do is teach and you can justify the $500, not just that but you can gloat over your R&D discount :P
I wish they would do R&D for blogs. :P
Excellent as always!!
Thanks, glad you liked!! :)
OMG. Hilarious. And that last one!!! Especially as I am disabled and walk with a CANE so no, I will NOT be running in any LLL, ahem. (poor kitty….)
Ahh I bet that has been a source of some serious short-circuiting in some eds’ brains! Thanks though, glad you enjoyed. :)
Omg…I can SO relate! Especially the first few and the last one! Just went to Lulu today and bought a pair of Skinny Grooves even though I told myself that I couldn’t and shouldn’t for the past few days. Hahaha.
It happens to the best of us. ;) At least it was “only” skinny grooves, lol!
Haha, LOVE! Especially “good deal” kitty…I’ve been dying to find a specific pair of old, limited edition teeki’s and they NEVER come around on ebay.
Love Love Love every single one! The last one is hilarious! This post is a Sunday night staple now.
Thanks! I almost didn’t save the trampoline kitty when I saw it…so glad I did. It’s gold. :)
What happened to the AUS/NZ upload? I’m dying to see new stuff!
Nothing in Aus! :( In fact nothing new at all so far this morning. I’m feeling super impatient right now. It’s November, bring on the new stuff!!
It still says week 39… so they haven’t uploaded yet. I wonder if they are changing the date and/or time.
I almost said that I didn’t think it had uploaded at all but second-guessed myself. I wonder if they’re finally switching to Tuesday uploads like the rest of the world.
YES!!! This is the best! I love the trampoline kitty (I was looking for the inkwell striped base runners this weekend, bc the herringbone ones totes have a pocket malfunction, wah) and the educator in Westford, CT was like “oh, they are out in your size, let’s see if they are online”. When she came back, I didn’t have the heart to tell her they weren’t even uploaded yet! Because trust me, I would know, ahem. Haha! Keep these coming, they always make my day! :-D Happy Monday to you!
Haha that story sums it up exactly. Usually I end up playing ignorant and politely declining, lol. I don’t think most eds even realize how many of us crazy lulu stalkers there are out there…
I LOVE this post every week! Trampoline kitty is my fav this time. It was totally me in store today as the new holiday help Ed’s tried to tell me about all the pants as if there’s something I don’t know about any of the pants :)
Trampoline kitty seems to be the crowd favorite. That poor cat though! Omg, it looks so miserable, lol.