When I keep getting speeds no matter the season or the number of pairs in my drawer
People who got into SeaWheeze 2016
People who didn’t
Writing posts when really heinous products drop
When the ed in stores is showing me something I’m really not interested in
When I have a gift card to spend
Suzanne is an ultramarathon runner, active fashion reviewer, and adventure travel writer living in Flagstaff, Arizona. Learn more about Agent Athletica →
Reader Interactions
i’ve so not been interested in anything lulu of late – but rulu season – the gif and my sentiments – soooo spot on!! you are a a genius!!
Yesss! And I’m hoping for some tech fleece too, like last year’s flurry fighter. I haven’t wanted much from lulu either but the dry spell might end soon with fall fabrics. ;)
You are really nice when the crappy stuff drops. I try to bite my tongue and focus on the positive, but there’s a tipping point where I just have to unleash! I’ve really been bummed about the last few uploads so I’ve actually been looking hard at the other brands you’ve blogged about recently. A few things from Alo, Alala, Michi and Ultracor have definitely caught my eye!
Yeah, I try to be diplomatic in general (not to mention I’ve gotten flack in blog comments in the past for being critical–sigh), but sometimes I can’t help myself! Also: I’m dying to try Michi and Ultracor, too.
Ugh the Ultracor leggings are so expensive. I can’t pull the trigger yet. By comparison, the pair of Michi’s I’m looking at at $179 seem like a steal! Suddenly Lulu’s prices don’t seem so awful after all haha.
Ah, rulu season! About the Speeds in your drawer… I’m more of a crops and leggings girl, and I remember when I was first getting into lululemon, and with each purchase my confused boyfriend would be like, “But you already have pants. Why more pants?”
Hahahaaaa- the look on the guy’s face for Rulu season is the best!!
And the speeds- ha!
For me it’s those, CRB’s and Scuba’s.
I buy Scuba’s all year round and live mostly in very sunny and warm climates.??
i’ve so not been interested in anything lulu of late – but rulu season – the gif and my sentiments – soooo spot on!! you are a a genius!!
Yesss! And I’m hoping for some tech fleece too, like last year’s flurry fighter. I haven’t wanted much from lulu either but the dry spell might end soon with fall fabrics. ;)
You are really nice when the crappy stuff drops. I try to bite my tongue and focus on the positive, but there’s a tipping point where I just have to unleash! I’ve really been bummed about the last few uploads so I’ve actually been looking hard at the other brands you’ve blogged about recently. A few things from Alo, Alala, Michi and Ultracor have definitely caught my eye!
Yeah, I try to be diplomatic in general (not to mention I’ve gotten flack in blog comments in the past for being critical–sigh), but sometimes I can’t help myself! Also: I’m dying to try Michi and Ultracor, too.
Ugh the Ultracor leggings are so expensive. I can’t pull the trigger yet. By comparison, the pair of Michi’s I’m looking at at $179 seem like a steal! Suddenly Lulu’s prices don’t seem so awful after all haha.
Haha I know! Shopping for other brands has a way of shifting my boundaries of “expensive”. :)
Ah, rulu season! About the Speeds in your drawer… I’m more of a crops and leggings girl, and I remember when I was first getting into lululemon, and with each purchase my confused boyfriend would be like, “But you already have pants. Why more pants?”
Haha, so typical! :)
Or at least until the card runs out! :)
Hahahaaaa- the look on the guy’s face for Rulu season is the best!!
And the speeds- ha!
For me it’s those, CRB’s and Scuba’s.
I buy Scuba’s all year round and live mostly in very sunny and warm climates.??