When no one had any idea what time last Sunday’s Cyber Monday upload was
When I spend all night doing lulu stuff and my bf is just like
Trying to figure out where the new stuff was after Thursday’s upload
The color name “duck sauce”
Basically everyone when they saw the Black Friday SE prices
Trying to figure out what I could afford for Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales
When my bf questions my activewear purchases
Suzanne is an ultramarathon runner, active fashion reviewer, and adventure travel writer living in Flagstaff, Arizona. Learn more about Agent Athletica →
Reader Interactions
Such a brilliant read for my monday :)
Was thankful the WMTM had further mark downs on monday though I totally kicked myself for buying so much on Friday and noticing they they knockd off a further 10 bucks on monday.
Hubby was like ‘erm, don’t you already have like alot of workout clothes’… hahaha
Thank you! Always frustrating when MDs end up getting more MD’d, but they could’ve just as easily sold out between Friday and Monday… You win some, you lose some, I suppose!
I mention on the first date that they must be really special to get me to wear “real clothes.” Follow up with jk, the sweater and tank are lulu. Because if this is going anywhere they should know from the get go I live in pure lululemon, lol
Such a brilliant read for my monday :)
Was thankful the WMTM had further mark downs on monday though I totally kicked myself for buying so much on Friday and noticing they they knockd off a further 10 bucks on monday.
Hubby was like ‘erm, don’t you already have like alot of workout clothes’… hahaha
Thank you! Always frustrating when MDs end up getting more MD’d, but they could’ve just as easily sold out between Friday and Monday… You win some, you lose some, I suppose!
Hilarious as always. I will look out for this post even when I am on holiday.
Thank you!! :)
I mention on the first date that they must be really special to get me to wear “real clothes.” Follow up with jk, the sweater and tank are lulu. Because if this is going anywhere they should know from the get go I live in pure lululemon, lol
Haha so true!! I like your strategy here. :P
I’m a Lululoco!!!!Hahaha…..
You and the rest of us! ;)