Lululemon bang buster headband in brisk bloom
Lululemon cool racerback in surge
Splits59 ginger tight in black/lame
I think athletic brands need to use more lame. It’s kind of awesome.
The WOD we did was pretty devastating. 50 wall balls, 25 deadlifts, 50 wall balls. BUT WAIT, there’s more! EMOM 5 burpees (I scaled to 3 to keep things moving). It’s even worse than it sounds, and it sounds pretty nasty. I was pleased with how I did, though. That is, I was pleased with my ability to just grind through the suck. Because suck it did.
Splits59 devon tank in twilight
Lululemon speed shorts in flash jacquard
Neons make everyone look tan. FACT.
Did a barbell complex EMOM for as long as possible (3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 jerks). It felt heavy and I wanted to stop after pretty much the first minute, but somehow I made it through nearly 9 rounds before failing the very last jerk of that round. Holding the bar in the rack position so much taxed my delts like crazy.
Lululemon cool racerback in paris perfection
Lululemon speed shorts in fatigue camo
No crossfit today but I dressed like it anyway because, well, that’s what I do. A friend was visiting and we drove most of the way up the mountain and had a picnic with definitely-not-good-for-me burgers. There was this dude who just happened to be playing the guitar (I think he was recording?) and we were sitting in this really tall grass and it was pretty much the quintessential summer thing. Also, the way the mountains looked in the distance–all hazy and bluish–reminded me of when I lived in Virginia near the Blue Ridge.

Lululemon bang buster headband in love red
Lululemon push your limits tank in brisk bloom
Lululemon speed shorts in love red
Love red day = matchy matchy day. Like, almost painfully matchy…
I did the “Lynne” benchmark WOD (5 rounds max reps bench press (RX=bodyweight) and max reps pull-ups) and my arms turned to jelly. I got a ton of bench presses at 65% body weight though! It might be time to try for a new 1RM bench. I might be closer to my 1x bodyweight goal than I thought!
Lululemon bang buster headband in paris perfection
Yogasmoga my racerback in lime lite
Lululemon speed shorts in bruised berry
A little color always makes a gloomy, rainy day a little less gloomy. I did 3 rounds of double unders, air squats, and rowing. I was the slowest finisher of the class, and I wasn’t even RX’d. What a buzzkill…
Lululemon swiftly v-neck in bali breeze
Lululemon speed shorts in paris perfection
I found a new favorite hike! Many of the trails around here are only sparsely green and mostly sun-exposed, but this one was way more lush and green and reminded me of trails out east. It’s interesting how many different ecosystems there are within like 15 miles of my house. Something to do with the elevation and the mountains, I’m sure. We hiked about 4 miles, and the dogs got pretty sluggish going uphill, but were incredibly giddy frolicking around the meadow and then going back downhill. I’ll have to go back to go the full 8 miles (4 out, 4 back) to see the apparently scenic views at the end. The boys just couldn’t hack it with their stumpy little legs, and it’s a good thing we went back when we did anyway, because it started POURING just a few moments before we got back to the car.
I’m loving these posts. Keep it up.
Thanks! :)
I love that splits 59 tank. I think you’ve mentioned it before. I need to look into it. And live the color you paired with it.
Yes it’s awesome! They have 3 colors in it right now. Occasionally one will come up on ebay for cheap, though, and they occasionally run coupon codes and sales and such. So if you don’t have your heart set on a particular color, it might be good to wait for one of those, as they’re definitely not cheap!